Anyway, against a raging cold up in my head that makes me feel nauseous and dizzy every time I look down, tonight Coventry Market the Musical premiered in Coventry City Centre. I'm so pleased with how it went, I couldn't have imagined it any better. The market traders had taken the day's events with such aplomb, they had all dressed up in their best 1958 garb, making cakes and generally having fun with the theme. The day was manic but brilliant. I've been backwards and forwards between the office and the market, made an appearance on the lunchtime Midlands Today and finally a surreal moment where I stage managed and cued the show on cans. It took me back to the old days so much.

The red carpet was laid and the stars and traders came all dressed up. The stage and the screen looked incredible, nothing like I've ever seen in the Lower Precinct before. Once it went dark, it looked amazing, all bright lights and glam. The stage show, live radio OB and TV link up went all according to plan. We timed everything down to the second, surprisingly we kept to plan and made every deadline and pinch point. The atmosphere was lovely, a real sense of community and happiness, approx 600 people there. A huge sense of relief and a bit of sadness came over me when we finished. I had managed to get back to normal 'work me' and had the best time doing this project, now it is all over. On to the next one . . . !
Tilly and Richard also came to the event, even though it clashed with her bedtime. I was so pleased they were there. Richard said he was proud of me when it finished and that meant more to me than any other praise I've had. I was so pleased he could see the reason why I've spent so much time apart.
Watch the finished video here:
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