Thursday, 6 November 2008

After a great night . .

Over the last week I've felt dreadful, a really bad cold.  Everyone has told me I have a stress headache but I'd had enough, I went to see the doctor today.  Without being too graphic I've had the most terrible coloured snot and an amount every per hours that I could never have imagined I could produce within a month! So I have chronic sinusitis which I'm now on antibiotics to treat - no wonder I've felt so bad.  Whilst in the surgery the doctor had to examine me to I out Tilly on the floor to play, after a few minutes she babbled her usual 'umummm-maa, umummm-maa' and I was very pleased when they asked how old she was and said it was a very distinctive 'Mumma'.  I'm so pleased that an outsider noticed and mentioned it, wonderful. 

Back to Coventry Market the Musical! The film has been added to YouTube under the BBC's national account, which is wonderful for viewing figures but it also brings in far more constructive feedback.  There have been some great comments but also some nasty ones who don't 'get' it, they think it is a serious film or they don't get that it was a process, a community event.  However, I also received an email of congrats from the big boss in the BBC which made my year. 

"This was simply one of the best community events we have done in local radio. 
Simple as that. 
Brilliant on air and off air! 
Thank you. 

I'm chuffed to bits. 

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