Thursday, 11 December 2008

So musical . . .

Claire and Lee came around the other night, we intended to play Wii games that we have already. But Richard (the embodiment of the naughty little devil sitting on my shoulder) realised that he'd bought Wii music for his sister and we should kindly 'test' it before giving to her at Christmas.  After some considerable time of playing other games, we reverted to the original (naughty) option and the celephane was taken off.  

Oh my goodness, I played on it all night.  We opened it at 3.30pm and apart from a short break to put Tilly to bed I finished playing at 11.15pm (under duress).  I'd have happily continued all night.  Wii Music is a wonderful game.  
Between us we have no musical ability or indeed play any musical instruments but that didn't stop us making our own music video, The Shivvy Combo with us playing all the parts.  I nearly broke myself when Richard played the castanets and managed to get his Wii Mii to 'Ole' and stamp his foot.   Brimming with pride at our music video (of the very rock'n'roll Twinkle Twinkle Little Star!) I moved on to conduct my own orchestra.   
Now this I liked.  A lot. I was in total control of a whole orchestra.  They tune up until you hold your baton in the air and then they stop, attentive and waiting for you to start.  Then it is a case of waving your arms about in time, to adjust tempo, levels etc.  I loved it so much. I really got into it.  Needless to say, before 9pm Richard had ordered us our own copy or at least his sister a new one!

Richard has kindly captured one of my attempts at Bizet's Carmen on video. 
Although watching it, I am quite clearly taking it far too seriously but it is addictive and I love it. I can thoroughly recommend it to everyone.  

Since playing on the first night we played again and we did lessons and unlocked loads of musical instruments.  A perfect game and I can't wait for Christmas to play it lots more!

1 comment:

blues singer said...

WOW! Sounds very cool. I hope Richard's sister doesn't read this though....