Friday, 21 March 2008

Mummy-hood and Diagnosis Murder

Message from Andrew.
"hello, hows mummy-hood going? missing u lots at work. im surrounded with baby news, theres Matilda Grace, heathers bump, my sister (who is due on her daughters 2nd b'day.. Ive accused her contriving to save money on birthday parties!) and billys a gaydad. Too complicated to explain on here, bt it is his biologically and hes chuffed to ribbons that he's gonna be involved!! Anyway, take care, call in with MG if youre sick of Diagnosis Murder! AB x"

motherhood is tough - really bloody hard, give me Big Bard or Singing City any day, such a walk in the park compared to it. The responsibility is overwhelming, not to mention all the crap that your body goes trhough not just in labour but the shitty bits afterwards that is just glossed over by everyone. A part from that Matilda is delightful and thankfully a very contented baby, although today she has a very pussy eye so I've spent all morning cleaning it out. Rich is back to work next week so I'll be on my own and that is when the really scary part begins I suppose.

H came around last night to have a play. She told me about Billy - how exciting, it would make a great episode for Jeremy Kyle by the sounds of it - DNA tests and the lot!

How did you know I was addicted to Diagnosis Murder ;-) ? do you know I am that sad I found myself Sky+'ing it when I was falling asleep the other afternoon so I didn't miss the end!

Fran sent us a card which was lovely but sent it to Grace, maybe she doesn't like the name Matilda. Are you having an Oc staff party at the end of March, or will it slide into the new reception cover uneventfully? Oh and by the way have you had that colour workshop yet!?

I must go, got dinner to wolf down before she wakes up.
S x

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