Saturday 10 January 2015

New Beginnings


We are only 10 days into the New Year and it has already been filled with horrors. Plane crashes, boats capsizing, terrorist attacks and more. All the news is depressing.

I found a drawing from Tilly, I've no idea why she'd done it or what it was in response to but it is so beautiful.

I give the girls a hard time sometimes but  only because I want them to grow up with respect and manners.
I absolutely adore my girls, I can see glimpses into the ladies they will become, bright, talented, funny and beautiful. Any parent would say the same but although I don't always show it, my heart often bursts with pride.

Tilly is very excited as she has her first wobbly tooth. Everyone else in her class has lost at least one, some in reception have even lost theirs, so she is desperate to lose hers. Of course the loss of teeth means that she'll really start to look even more grown up than she does already. Those awkwardly large teeth have a habit of totally changing faces.

Mima is funny and FULL of character. She makes me laugh daily, especially when she does one of her belly laughs and can't stop giggling, which may well be the best sound in the world.
She is also full of stubborn, a character trait that I know in myself all too well and that is difficult to see in the girls. She knows what she wants and these days it is very much no seams in her tights (or socks). Seams are the bloody bain of my life at the mo, every day is made longer by their sheer existence. But when we've magicked them we can continue and she is back into the normally cute kid that I know and love.

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