Sunday 6 January 2013

Emily Brown and the Magic Moments.

I love children's books and Richard loves books. We have A LOT of books. 
Tilly and Mima are spoilt for choice when it comes to story time with so many wonderful books with great stories, illustrations or both.

I love reading books to Tilly. Putting in all the right excitement, tension and doing voices where I can. I tend to only be able to do baby, lispy, Scottish ladies, Yorkies and Cockneys. . . hardly surprising really. 

A little while ago Richard bought Tilly the latest Emily Brown book, if you've never read them, you must .. they are great little stories. On the night we bought it, he read it to her and I was reading to Mima so didn't hear the story.  Tonight Tilly picked it. I usually have given new stories a once over before I read them to the kids but there was no time tonight so I didn't know what happened.

The punchlines in Cressida's books are truly wonderful for adults and kids but not with a duel meaning  way, just perfect simple comedic situations. I laughed as the story unfolded, Tilly started to giggle and by the end we were both in fits of giggles. Not helped by me trying to act out what the sad Teddy was doing as it tried to un-ping its sad smile stitches.  We both ended up snorting loudly and Tilly nearly fell off the sofa. 

Moments like this don't happen all the time. A simple experience which was so wonderful. A real magic moment. 

THAT is what storytime is all about.  
Thank you Cressida. 

And for anyone who hasn't got or read this book, go and get it now. . . .and the rest of the set, they are ace. 

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